Friday, 17 May 2013


So there's a heck of a lot of good music out there (old and new) but it makes me quite happy when I find a great cover of a great song. It's like when you go to a cafe with an even more delicious version of your favourite food or drink or CAKEEEEEEE

Here is a small collection of some really great covers I've scoured from the depths of YouTube and Moria to bring to you today.

1. 'Get Lucky' - Isaac Evans (Daft Punk)

I stumbled across Isaac when I was looking for different versions of Lucy Rose's 'Shiver'. His cover with a loop pedal was simply brilliant and I am quite obsessed with him now.

This cover of 'Get Lucky', an awkward song to sing with your parents, is fun, energetic and pretty cool. Isaac uses loop pedals quite a bit in his covers but it sounds amazing.
Isn't it amazing? Moving on.

2. 'Walking On A Dream' - Imogen Kars (Empire of the Sun)

This is a lovely cover of an epic song. Empire of the Sun are really fantastic songwriters and I'm so excited that they're releasing an album that wasn't planned - they broke up. Now it sounds like they were married and have a kid now =_=
But it's truly beautiful. I think it's awesome.

3. 'Flightless Bird, American Mouth' - Lorna Rose (Iron & Wine)

This is an okay song by itself - I personally find it a bit slow and only nice in the chorus with the harmonies and instruments and all that jazz. But Lorna's cover, a folky guitar affair, is raw and beautiful and has drive and all but it still captures everything good about the song. She distills it until it's pure and asdfjdskljfasho
It was perfect I know

4. 'Settle Down' - Level (Kimbra)

This is one of my all time favourite songs. There's heaps of production, yes, but it has such a strange quality to it that you can't help but love it. Kimbra's voice is heaven.
This cover is an a capella cover (only voices, although there is clicking) and it's as varied and unpredictable as the original. Fun.

The man singing bass has such a low voice ohmygosh.
So there's four different, but awesome covers! I want to poop here - wait, I want to do another of these cover fests. They just don't seem to fit in with Song of the Week, although they do sorta suit Music Haul. Whatever.

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